Alcune risposte notevoli.
Prompt | Model | Parameters | Answer |
Biografia di Napolene | GPT4 | Napoleon Bonaparte, nato il 15 agosto 1769 ad Ajaccio, in Corsica, era il quarto di sette figli di Carlo Maria Buonaparte e Maria Letizia Ramolino. La sua famiglia apparteneva alla nobiltà corsa e, nonostante non fosse molto ricca, riuscì a garantire a Napoleon una buona educazione. |
Napoleon frequentò scuole militari in Francia a partire dall'età di 9 anni e, grazie alle sue capacità e ambizioni, divenne rapidamente un generale all'età di 24 anni. Durante la Rivoluzione francese, si distinse come abile stratega militare e acquisì notorietà grazie alle sue vittorie in Italia nel 1796-1797.
Nel 1799, Napoleon prese il potere in Francia attraverso un colpo di stato e divenne Primo Console. Nel 1804, si autoproclamò Imperatore dei francesi, instaurando un regime che sarebbe durato fino al 1814. Durante il suo governo, Napoleon riformò la legislazione francese attraverso l'introduzione del Codice Napoleone, che influenzò molti sistemi giuridici europei.
Le campagne militari di Napoleon, conosciute come guerre napoleoniche, si estesero in gran parte d'Europa e portarono alla creazione di una serie di stati satellite sotto il controllo francese. Tuttavia, la sua ambizione e l'espansione territoriale suscitarono la formazione di coalizioni di stati europei che si opponevano a lui.
La carriera militare di Napoleon terminò con la sconfitta nella Battaglia di Waterloo nel 1815, combattuta contro la Settima Coalizione guidata da britannici e prussiani. Dopo la sconfitta, fu esiliato sull'isola di Sant'Elena, nell'Atlantico meridionale, dove morì il 5 maggio 1821. | | Tell me a detailed Napoleon's biography including complete birth date. | Vicuna 7b | T: 0.28, Repeat penalty: 2 Prompt: %1 | Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, in Ajaccio, Corsica, which was then a French colony. He was the fourth of seven children born to Carlo Bonaparte and Letizia Ramolino. Napoleon's father was a lawyer and a member of the Corsican legislative assembly, and his mother was a member of a wealthy family on the island. Napoleon's early education was limited, as he was sent to a military school in France at the age of 16 [wrong age]{he was actually sent at the age of 9}. He quickly rose through the ranks, becoming a general by the age of 25. In 1796, he led a successful coup against the Directory, the governing body of France, and became First Consul of France. Napoleon is known for his military campaigns, which took him across Europe and beyond. He invaded Italy in 1796, defeating the Austrians and establishing the First French Republic [incorrect event]{he established the Cisalpine Republic, not the First French Republic}. He later invaded Egypt in 1798, but his forces were defeated by the British at the Battle of the Nile. In 1804, Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of France, and he went on to conquer much of Europe, including the defeat of the Third Coalition at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 [wrong coalition]{Waterloo involved the Seventh Coalition, not the Third}. He was exiled to the island of Saint Helena, where he died on May 5, 1821.Answer: | | | Vicuna 13B | | Napoleon Bonaparte was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and its associated wars. He was born on August 15, 1769, in Ajaccio, Corsica, and died on May 5, 1821, in Saint Helena. Napoleon's early life was marked by his family's modest wealth and his own academic achievements. He attended military schools in France and quickly rose through the ranks, becoming a general at the age of 26 [wrong age]{he actually became a general at the age of 24}. In 1799, Napoleon seized power in France and became First Consul, eventually declaring himself Emperor in 1804. He implemented a number of significant reforms in France, including the Napoleonic Code, which aimed to modernize the legal system and promote equality. Napoleon's military campaigns expanded France's territory and influence, but also had significant economic and social impacts on the countries he conquered. He is known for his victories at the Battle of Austerlitz and the Battle of Borodino [misleading]{Borodino was a costly and inconclusive victory; the Battle of Friedland or Jena-Auerstedt could be mentioned instead}, among others. However, Napoleon's reign ultimately ended in defeat and exile. He was defeated in the Battle of Leipzig in 1813 and forced to abdicate the following year. He was exiled to the island of Saint Helena, where he died in 1821. | | | Wizard LM 7B | | Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, in Ajaccio, Corsica, France. He was the fourth of 12 children [wrong number]{he was actually the fourth of seven children} born to Charles Bonaparte [wrong name]{his father's name was Carlo Bonaparte} and his wife, Letizia Ramolino. Napoleon's father was a lawyer and a member of the French nobility [misleading]{Corsica was a French territory, but it would be more accurate to call him a member of the Corsican nobility}, while his mother was a member of a wealthy and influential family on the island of Corsica. Napoleon showed an early aptitude for military strategy and tactics, and at the age of 16 [wrong age]{he was actually sent at the age of 9}, he was sent to a military academy in France. After graduating, he served in the French army and quickly rose through the ranks due to his military prowess. In 1793, he was appointed as a general in the French Revolutionary Army and played a key role in the victory at the Battle of Toulon. Napoleon went on to become the ruler of France as First Consul in 1799 and later Emperor of France in 1804. He is known for his military conquests, including the Napoleonic Wars, which reshaped Europe and led to his downfall. Napoleon died on May 5, 1821, in exile on the island of Saint Helena. | | | gpt4all-j | | Napoleon Bonaparte was born on February 6 or 7 1769 [wrong date]{the correct date should be August 15, 1769} in Ajaccio (a small island off the coast of Corsica) [misleading]{Ajaccio is a city on the island of Corsica, not a small island itself}. He came from an aristocratic family and received his education at military academies, where he excelled as both scholar-soldier with exceptional leadership skills that would later make him one among history’s greatest conquerors:
The Napoleonic Wars were fought between 1803 to Waterloo which took place during July/August 2 years after this event occurred [confusing sentence]{Waterloo took place on June 18, 1815, and the Napoleonic Wars lasted from 1803 to 1815}; however, it is important for us all here today not only because they are significant events within our past lives - but also due to their impact upon Europe & its people even now, centuries since these wars ended... | | changed prompt to: Tell me a detailed biography for the famous Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte including complete birth date. | groovy | restored default | Emperor Napoléon Ier (Napoleon III), born on February 16th 1808 in Corsica,[2]3. He was crowned King of Rome by Pope Pius VII at Notre Dame Cathedral.[4],[5]. His father died when he only six years old but his mother took him into her family home where she raised both children with love as well their education began under tutors who taught them French literature from Rousseau's "Confessions".[6] In 1799 during France’s war against Austria-Hungary over Italy after being promoted General Officer Commanding Army Group Bordeaux - Ligurian Republic – Kingdom Of Sardinia , then Marshal André Massena appointed young Louis Antoine de Saint Exupère d'Argenteuil commander general officer commanding army group Toulouse — Provence—Languedoc On December 1st 1800 while still serving this position that year Josephine Beauharnais married Eugène François Guadet whom they had met earlier whilst |
In base alla tabella fornita, il modello che fornisce la migliore risposta è Wizard LM 7B. Questo offre un resoconto generalmente accurato e dettagliato della biografia di Napoleone Bonaparte, incluso il suo compleanno. Sebbene presenti alcuni errori e imprecisioni, è il più accurato rispetto agli altri modelli.
Ecco gli errori e le ragioni per ciascun modello:
I modelli di intelligenza artificiale sono inclini a commettere errori perché generano testo basato su pattern che hanno visto nei dati di addestramento. A volte, questi pattern possono essere fuorvianti o scorretti, inducendo l'IA a produrre informazioni inaccurate. Inoltre, l'IA non ha una profonda comprensione del contesto o dei fatti, il che può portare a incoerenze ed errori nel testo generato.
Ecco una valutazione dei modelli basata sulle categorie richieste, utilizzando un voto da 1 a 10 (dove 1 è il peggiore e 10 è il migliore):
Modello | Errori gravi | Imprecisioni | Completezza informazioni | Leggibilità | Valutazione Ponderata |
Vicuna 7B | 6 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 7 |
Vicuna 13B | 7 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 7.5 |
Wizard LM 7B | 8 | 7 | 9 | 9 | 8.5 |
gpt4all-j | 6 | 5 | 7 | 7 | 6.5 |
Groovy 7B | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 4.5 |
GPT4 | 10 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 9 |
La valutazione ponderata tiene conto di tutti gli indici precedenti, attribuendo un peso maggiore alla completezza delle informazioni e agli errori gravi, e un peso minore alle imprecisioni e alla leggibilità. Tuttavia, il peso esatto attribuito a ciascuna categoria può variare a seconda delle specifiche esigenze e preferenze.
In base a questa valutazione, Wizard LM 7B risulta il modello migliore, seguito da Vicuna 13B e Vicuna 7B. Gpt4all-j si colloca al quarto posto, mentre Groovy 7B ottiene il punteggio più basso.
Le risposte fornite dai vari modelli di IA possono essere confrontate con l'età e la preparazione (classico/umanistico, scientifico, professionale) di uno studente medio come segue: